Can Washing Systems
Harbridge recognized the need for smaller, environmentally conscious, low output can washers for two-piece foods, and specialty aerosol cans. Utilizing its extensive experience in process equipment as well as decades of stainless steel fabricating, Harbridge was able to look at current washing systems and attack the problem with a fresh sheet of paper.
The new beginning was a 500 to 800 can-per-minute aerosol can washer for slender can bodies. Harbridges’ “paradigm shift” conveyor system, and a fresh approach to effective washing led to the resulting “Hurricane” washer. Its breakthrough design offered canmakers a substantially smaller footprint, only a fraction of the wastewater, and considerably lower operating costs while delivering cleaner cans with less chemicals and lower power and water consumption.
The line of washers was dubbed the “Hurricane” in reference to the turbulent rain and wind within the wash tunnel. The unit provides more efficient washing by over 300% increase in washing pressure, 100% increase in flow, and a unique spray system in only 2-second wash stages. The blow-offs between zones are capable of clearing your can bodies with over 150 mph jet-stream; this severely reduces chemical carry-over between stages.
The unit is also environmentally friendly by the combination of an innovative counter-flow system that decreases waste water by over 50% and an out-of-the-box conveyor that terminates in each stage to minimize carry-over. The conveying system allows cans to be effectively washed, spot-free, in under 2 seconds per stage contributing to a considerably smaller footprint and substantial reduction in utilities.